
Pastor Indy


The Gospel Of Matthew


Indy Sahi


September 19, 2024

Watch as Pastor Indy takes us through a in-depth study on The Gospel of Matthew

If you have missed or would like to catch up to the most recent teaching, click the playlist Below.

Indy Sahi
Pastor Indy Sahi grew up in Palmdale, California, going to church, knowing about God and the love of Jesus. Yet it wasn’t until August 2014, at the age of 24, that he completely surrendered his life to the Lord. From living what’s known as the “street life” and being involved in everything that comes with it, he was radically saved out of all of that and purposed in his heart that he wanted to go on to live just as radically for Jesus. Not knowing what that would look like for his life, Indy was led to Calvary Chapel Eastside just before their first-ever church service. He was known as the utility man, and he would learn to do everything and anything needed at the church. He found great joy in serving God and God’s people in whatever way needed. Indy’s plea to the Lord when he first got saved was, “I don’t want to do anything that is going to take me away from You, Lord, and if it is, I don’t want it!” God, in answering his heart’s cry, provided different jobs for him in which he could continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, as well as grow in his passion for, and knowledge of, the Word of God, which Indy loves to preach and teach. Anyone who gives him an ear for some time can be sure that they’ll hear about Jesus. Knowing that God was calling him to pastor, Indy thought that Calvary Eastside would be sending him out one day to plant a church. But, as God would have it, it would be Indy sending out his pastor, Josh Hueser, to go where the Lord was calling him in Kansas, with Indy staying behind to step into the role of leading God’s people at CCES. Indy and his wife Erin have both seen and experienced God’s saving grace and redeeming love in their own lives. They desire that others would too, as they come to Him and taste and see that the Lord is good. Indy lives to be like Christ, to lead by serving. He says, “After all, we have the very best example in Jesus, who came not to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many.”

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